I know many people are looking for puppies or younger dogs. I know I was when I found Rescue Ranch. Then there was Buddy. He was older, (9 or 10) and I was worried. (We recently found out that Buddy’s birthday is 3/19/09.) Today, he’s officially a 10 year old but you wouldn’t know it! Buddy keeps up with our active family, including our five year old!

Buddy with his human sister

We may have missed the puppy breath, but Buddy has never chewed on anything other than his toys, he puts himself to bed, and doesn’t have accidents in the house. He easily keeps up on walks & playing, including our daily zoomies!

Buddy taking a walk

When it’s time to settle down, Buddy transitions like a champ! I guess what I’m saying is that he has lots of quality years left so don’t pass on an awesome pup just because they have a few more miles on them or a physical imperfection of some sort.

Every day is blessing whether you have 2 legs or 4. Cherish each & every one! 😇

One Love,
Buddy and the Renzi Family