Meet Brandon

Dino passed away on November 24th 2015:

“Well the time has come to say goodbye to Dino. He has not been himself the last few days and tonight when we catheterized him, blood shot out. I called the previous owner and we cried together and celebrated his long and happy life. Thank you to Rescue Ranch for allowing us to have this sweetie in our lives for a short time. He will be missed.”
Carrie & Phillip have been such incredible fosters for Dino. From busing him back and to the vet and specialist during diagnosis, to learning how to catheterize him, to driving him to spend a final day to say goodbye to his first family, they have truly gone above and beyond to give Dino a fabulous last few weeks as he went through the final stages of prostate cancer.
Please keep Dino, his first family, and his final family in your thoughts as they all say good bye.




Brandon was an owner surrender to a Georgia Animal Control facility when his family was unable to afford vet care. Brandon was having a lot of difficulty urinating and it was very painful for him to go. Sure enough, this 10.5 year old boy is suffering from a severe urinary tract infection which will need antibiotics for the next two weeks.

But, that’s not the end of poor Brandon’s trouble. Bloodwork and a urinalysis revealed that his UTI was most likely caused by kidney disease. This means that Brandon will need special food and supplements to help his kidney function for the rest of his life.

Further, his prostate is so enlarged that it has essentially closed off his urethra making urinating almost impossible for Brandon. The vet drained 700 cc’s of urine from his very distended bladder (the average dog holds 51 cc’s in a full bladder). While neutering him would hopefully help shrink the prostate, it takes months and we need to figure out what’s causing it to be so enlarged.

Brandon recently saw a specialist and we are waiting on testing results to come back.

Thus far, Brandon has incurred just over $400 in vetting costs with more to come. Please consider becoming a sponsor to help with Brandon’s vetting.